Reasons To Stay Single


Girlfriends – Who Needs ‘Em? 10 Reasons Being Single Is Awesome

Jeremy Singerstay single

We’re often told that the accepted way to drive through life is with a wife. We’ll guess what? It’s time to put that “white picket fence” influence to rest. If getting hitched was a road trip, it’d be punching cruise control on some boring route surrounded by endless cornfields.

But you’re not that codependent guy. You’re the lone wolf. You’re not just embarking on a trip, but an adventure, because you want to carve your own path and truly discover what scenery the drive has to offer. And as a single man, you’re not on some marooned path either. Did you know that according to Statistics Canada, the percentage of single Canadian households has quadrupled between the 1950s and mid-2000s? The same kind of influence is at play stateside.

We live in a completely different society today and whether you’re on this journey of bachelorhood by choice or not, you should be damn well proud of your present status. You sir, are a 21st-century man — and those kinds of men don’t have to adhere to those ancient social norms of “relationship or die.”

10. Go On Better Trips

You’re bound to head on more exciting travel excursions single than if you were married. According to last year’s Adventure Tourism Market Study, the average adventure traveler is a single male. This means opening yourself up to any activity you want; from hiking and canoeing in Northern Maine to rock climbing and paragliding in New Zealand. C’mon, you gotta admit, it definitely sounds better than taking your spouse to see her parents in Florida.

9-You’ll Be More Philanthropic

Whether you realize it or not, as a single guy, you’re generally looking to impress women. And with that comes some possible side benefits. According to a study in the British Journal of Psychology, researchers organized a computer game asking volunteers to donate money to a fund that benefited the common good. Men ended up donating more when they were in the company of attractive females than they did when they were surrounded by other men. By that logic, not being tied down to anyone makes you a better philanthropist… right?

8-Sleep Better

How can you disagree with a good night’s rest? But it’s true, you get a better sleep when you’re crashing in your own bed by yourself. You won’t get kicked in the middle of the night; there are no pushes or cover grabs to deal with. According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, a bed mate can cause you to lose an average of 49 minutes of sleep per night. And we all know that every extra minute counts when you’re hitting “snooze” in the a.m.

7-More Likely To Get Hired

Today’s job market is a tough one. But lucky for you, if you’re looking for new work opportunities, you can go swinging with confidence knowing that you actually have the upper hand as a single man. According to reports from the University of Chicago, single men and women are more likely to find work than married couples. Unmarried Americans have recovered roughly 90% of the 5 million jobs they lost following the 2009 financial crisis. Meanwhile, married Americans gained back only 22% of the 6 million jobs they once had.

6-Save More Money

When you’re single, there’s no disagreement about what you’re spending or saving for. Plus, all you have to worry about financially is yourself. But when you’re married, the expenses pile up — dates, gifts, wedding ring, house, “necessary” stylish furniture purchases. And then there’s the possibility of divorce (and boy, will that cost you a pretty penny). According to researchers at Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research, during a divorce, men and women generally lose three-fourths of their personal net worth.

5-Stay In Better Shape

One side effect that often occurs when you’re in a serious relationship is that you tend to lose that drive to stay in shape. You’ve mentally settled — you’ve let yourself go — and you’ve lost the desire to hit the gym. Don’t believe it? In a UK study, 62% of couples surveyed said they gained weightafter committing to a serious relationship. But as a single guy, you’re more motivated to try to stay fit to be an attractive option for the next woman in your life.

4-Spend More Time With Friends

As you devote more time to your partner in a serious relationship or marriage, you can bet that you’re going to be spending less time with your friends. Whether you like to admit it or not, your buddies will be taking a back seat to your girl. But being single allows you to maintain those friendships and head out for drinks with the guys whenever you want. And here’s the kicker; you might live longer with the buds. According to an Australian study over 10 years, older people with many friends were 22 per cent less likely to die during the study than those older people with fewer friends.

3-Casual Sex Decreases Your Chances Of Depression

Let’s just get straight to the obvious point: If you’re single, you get to meet and sleep with as many women as you choose. (At least, the ones who’ll have you.) Forget about lying next to one person every night. As a single man, every night out can be a new chapter. And guess what? That spontaneity of casual encounters is actually healthy for you. According toThe Journal of Sex Research, males who engaged in casual sex reported the fewest symptoms of depression. Just be safe, of course. (Insert some joke about how something a day keeps the doctor away).

2-Be More Productive

When you lock yourself into a committed relationship — the marriage, the kids, the white picket fence — your ability to be productive in your personal goals diminishes. But there’s actual evidence that being a solo warrior will provide you with the motivation to achieve them. According to a study conducted at the London School of Economics and Political Science, male scientists who stay single longer peak in their careers later in life and tend to be more productive than their married counterparts. Studies have also shown that testosterone levels, which boost action, decrease after a man gets married and has children.

1-You’re Less Stressed

When you’re single, the only confrontation you deal with at home involves reminding your roommate that it’s their turn to empty the dishwasher. But when you’re in a relationship and living with a person 24/7, the disagreements and fights are on another level. And, sometimes, those arguments are so stressful that they actually cause more damage to us than we think. According to a study, marital conflicts produce elevated levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which raise blood pressure. Marital stress also triggers the production of cytokines, small proteins that set the inflammatory cascade in motion. Inflammation is a newly recognized cardiac risk factor, so while a heart attack may not be something you worry about right now, being single could benefit your health long-term.

With all of these reasons why being single is awesome, we also think being in a relationship can be equally awesome. We may or may not be trying extra hard to make our lonely single friends feel a bit better with Valentine’s Day being shoved in our faces. So if you’re single, take this article and go with it! Enjoy the single life while you can.



Ramin Sarajari’s comment:

I believe marriage is not for everyone and we do not have to force ourselves to be in any commitment unless we are ready to do that.  Most people do not know what they want so they think it is a “must” to officially get married or it is a must to have kids and so on.

I also believe it can be by accident that you may find the person that is the right match for you.  Also, remember that nothing is perfect and we all have our shortcoming.

You can also be with someone as what is so called a “partnership” type of relationship.  The couple may live together or separate.  If you choose to be in such relationship, it is wise to have some sort of moral commitment to your partner.  It has to be clear what type of relationship you are seeking. Always be transparent and make sure your partner knows exactly what you intend to do and be for her/him.  If you intend to date others while being in a partnership with the one you are already with, it is your moral duty to state that at the beginning.

At the end, I wish you luck and stay happy and healthy in your personal life.

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